Thursday, August 15, 2013

Pyramid Scheme v.s. Network Marketing

Pyramid Scheme v.s. Network Marketing

Myths and what is real.

Start by watching this short video about a conversation between two people about Pyramids and Network Marketing. Very comical near the end I have to say. See if you find your self anywhere in the conversation.

Pretty funny and informative video right? Now time for some FACTS... If you have not read this book "Rich Dad, Poor Dad" I highly recommend it. What I speak from is facts not opinion like you see in a lot of places. FACT - "Rich Dad, Poor Dad" New York times best seller. WHY?

Pyramid Scheme v.s. Network Marketing

It's all about education and what your taught growing up. Think about it..... If you grew up poor like I did, moving from house to house, old junkie cars, one or more members of your family are strung out on drugs, going to school in old torn up or out dated cloths, and my favorite..... "Mom, Dad my friends are going out to the movies can I go? Sorry son/daughter we don't have the money." "Mom, Dad I was invited to go skating can I have some money for food while I am there? Sorry son/daughter we don't have the money." "Mom, Dad can I have friends stay the night? Sorry son/daughter we don't have the money." This is my personal story of what I heard all the time growing up. I don't have to tell you about the embarrassment and humiliation when you face your friends right? Lets face it kids are mean and the poor ones always gets made fun of. I surly did a LOT! Now, clearly my parents where poor and I grew up poor. So, what advice did they have for me? Same advice that every poor parents tell there kids "son/daughter you have to go to college and get a good job if your going to make it", sound familiar?

"It's not your parents fault, it's lack
of education everywhere"

So how do you break the bond? Maybe you have heard "it takes money to make money, so unless you have money, don't bother". If I had a dollar for every time I heard that, I would have been rich by 18 lol (I am 43 now). Bad education was the problem here again. Again not there fault, just a lack of education.
Notice the pattern so far...."Not there fault, just a lack of education".
So, then you go to college as I did (I will leave out the college name , so I don't receive hate mail lol). Now I am the kind of person that will ask questions if I don't understand. (hey, I am paying for an education so I should get answers and understand everything right?). Just to have the professor say, "Read the book and figure it out"!....
 I am paying thousands of dollars for this professor to tell me:
"Read the book and figure it out?"

I was blown away not to mention after getting very heated argument with the professor. I was told, "I was lazy and he was not here to baby sit me." Again, I was freaking out on this guy. What kind of professor who's job is to teach, could care less about teaching?

I was then told by students later that a lot of professors are like that and that's just how college is. I am sure if you have been to college you heard the same thing right? Again, "Not there fault, just a lack of education."
I knew there had to be a better way and that I just did not know it. I knew there is an answer out there because there are so many rich people who never went to college or college did them no good. What was the secret? What did the wealthy know that I did not?

The short answer... They had an education that was not being taught in any school or college.

Don't believe me? 

Ted Turner - attended Brown University, but did not graduate.
Ralph Lauren - went to Baruch College for two years but dropped out to join the army.
Mark Zuckerberg - He launched the social network in his dorm room at Harvard University with his college roommates, but dropped out after sophomore year in June 2004 to pursue his business venture.
Michael Dell - He started making his own computers in college when the personal computer was still in its infancy stage. (clearly did not stay)
Sheldon Adelson - attend college at City College of New York. He dropped out after less than two years, and like Ralph Lauren, joined the Army
Larry Ellison - He attended University of Illinois and was named Science Student of the Year, but dropped out after his second year after his adoptive mother died. He enrolled at the University of Chicago the following fall, but then dropped out again.
Bill Gates - Gates enrolled in Harvard University but dropped out after two years when he and Allen eventually began developing software for Micro Instrumentation and Telemetry System.
Steve Jobs - attended Reed College in Portland, Oregon, but dropped out after six months.
--If you want to read more about these 8 Billionaires click here--

And that's just a few of the Billionaires. What about all the millionaires? same thing (now I am not going to list everyone so if you need more your going to need to research yourself it's not hard)
Oh wait, there are a couple more Billionaires I want to talk about.

Pyramid Scheme v.s. Network Marketing

Yep, Robert Kiyosaki and Donald Trump. Two very successful Men and what do they have to do with my story?
"If your going to get advice get it from
successful people, not poor people."

We have already discussed the pitfalls of why advice from poor people is bad. So the next time you have someone give you a hard time for doing something different say this "Are you rich?" If the answer is no, say "Thank you for your thought's, but why would I listen to a poor person who has no idea how to get rich."
It may sound harsh, but you have to understand poor people hate seeing other people succeed (unless it's them of course). Have you ever heard the saying "misery loves company"? No offense , but your friends and family will go nuts to see you succeed. Much less at something they don't understand. That kind of thing will stop 99% of people from being successful from the start.

Ignore it, put your blinders on, do whatever it takes to block out that negative stuff because your doing something most don't understand. Like most of the world if the don't understand it, what do they want to do? Squash it right?

Don't believe me again? ok...
Albert Einstein I think you may know of...
Did you know he was thought to be a moron and a failure in his time, until one invention turned every ones head, "Einstein's General Theory of Relativity". We know today that is one of the most brilliant people to ever live. Again, at the start "Not there fault, just a lack of education". And it holds true today. No one believes you until you get the world aboard or at least some well known people to agree with you. Until then, your crazy or a moron, sound familiar yet?

Lucky for us Network Marketers we have to very well known people and they just happen to be successful. Again Robert Kiyosaki and Donald Trump. Both know for there money and not so known for there NETWORK MARKETING! Even though they publish books and countless articles about it. The world still see's Network Marketing as a scam or Pyramid scheme. So, why isn't more people doing it? You guessed it, 99% of people listen to people instead of those who are successful.

Pyramid Scheme v.s. Network Marketing

Again I deal with facts.
With that said, how do you get into this education of network marketing that's not tough in most places?
Now the question is are you willing to be the 1% and take action? Not listening to the other 99% of people without this education? Is it different? yes. Will people say your crazy? yes. Will they say your going to get ripped off? yes. Are they going to be pissed when you quit your job? Of course they wont understand. Why? "Not there fault, just a lack of education".

But you are not so it's a matter of.....
Do you want to be apart of the rich network marketing or stuck with a poor mans job?
You now have the education and the way. Join me today and take action click the link get started today.

Pyramid Scheme v.s. Network Marketing

Education in network marketing is now in your reach. Join Here

Thank you for reading. Please like and share this article so everyone can get educated.
Roy Turner
Pyramid Scheme v.s. Network Marketing

P.S. We even have weekly hangouts free to teach
everyone about the importance of network marketing,
It's recorded until the next live hangout.
Live every Wednesday 8pm eastern time.
In this Network we refuse to leave anyone behind!

P.S.S.  Check out my other blogs about Network Marketing.

P.S.S.S  Get social - Add me to your favorite social media.

Twitter - @whatflop

Income disclaimer - Yes, I know here it comes. Well we don't know if your going to listen to the un educated or even work at all. So, here it is Click the link to view

Pyramid Scheme v.s. Network Marketing now that your educated, post your comments, and let me know your questions issues/concerns.

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