Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Taxi Cab Mom (My wife wrote this) enjoy

Taxi Cab Mom, (My wife wrote this) enjoy!
I sit here in between taxi runs thinking about my girls at all the running I do.  No I am not an actual taxi cab driver but a mom with children.  My oldest lives at home and I don’t have to take care of her anymore.  She has a truck, a job but doesn’t want to fully adult just yet.  That’s fine with me.  My youngest, Susie, is active in the school drama department, music department and photo club.  Those after school programs are fewer and far between. It’s not an everyday thing, but a twice a week thing.  Usually her times are right after school.  She quit sports and that is fine as long as she is active in something.  My middle child, Emily, is a two sport athlete and is the one who is having me run all over the place.  She plays field hockey and Varsity lacrosse for her high school and plays on a travel club team for field hockey.  GO Ballard and Go IFHCK!  

Now back to the taxi cab comment.  I really don’t mind.  There are several parents who don’t want to take the time to be involved in their children’s life.  That is not me.  No I am not living through my children I am living for my children.  Being a parent that is involved with their children’s lives does not make me a helicopter parent or whatever it is that people like to call it.   As a parent it is my responsibility to make sure that my children do the best that they can.  Susie has a play she is in that will require rehearsals two days a week and KMA’S for choir.  Guess what I will be there.  I don’t miss any of their performances, games, school plays.  Emily is going 6 sometimes 7 days a week.  I get it.  It is a lot.  She is a math tutor, in Beta club, Mu Alpha Theta, a Spanish tutor and a chemistry tutor.  She really can’t do anymore.  There are no more hours in the day and if there were she would find something to fill it with.  We are working hard on trying to get colleges to notice her and it has taken my time and everyone else’s.  She is just that type of child.  She doesn’t have to do any of this, it is her choice.  

I am NOT trying to live vicariously through any of them.  I lived my life.  It wasn’t nearly as productive or exciting but I have been there done that.  My responsibility now, today and every day is to make sure that they always know that I am there.  Sometimes sacrifices have to be made, but as a parent I am here until they become adults, and even then I will be here.  On that note, I have to go pick up one of my children.  Taxi cab mom just goes on auto pilot.

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