Wednesday, August 28, 2013

How can you prevent Bullying in today's world?

How can you prevent Bullying in today's world?

But First, How Common is Bullying?

Many people think that bullying is a common part of childhood, and sadly, it is. Bullying affects close to half of students in high school and middle school. Estimates by the National Youth Violence Prevention in 2006 say that 30% of students either are bullied on a regular basis or are bullies themselves. About 11% of children are bullying victims while a slightly higher percentage, 13%, are doing the bullying. 6% of children say that they have been both the bullying victim and the bully at one time or another. This starling evidence shows that bullying is all too common in schools and the serious nature of bullying can damage the lives of these children.

Any child can be the victim of bullying, but some types of students are more likely than others to be targeted. Any child that is different whether it is race, ethnicity, religion, physical limitations or mental limitations is at a higher risk of being bullied. Bullying is more common among boys than girls and is more likely to be physical. It is common for bullying among girls to be emotional and based on what children say about each other. Bullying can take place anywhere that children interact, including on the computer and over the phone.

Bullying is common even from children who are confident and popular. A common misconception about bullying is that bullies are usually children with low self-esteem and are trying to compensate for their own problems. This is not the case and frequently bullies are confident, popular students who pick on others for the fun of it. Bullies often act out as a way to dominate others and to impress their friends. Bullies feel no remorse for what they do and are often in trouble in other areas of school. Bullies who are shown proper ways to interact with other are more likely to have serious problems later in life. It is common for children who are bullies in school to develop problems with the law later as adults and to get involved with drug and alcohol abuse.

Bullying victims can usually overcome the effects of bullying, especially if the bully is stopped before they have a chance to do any permanent damage. Not all cases of bullying have long term effects, but if not stopped in time they can. Children who are bullied relentlessly for a long time are more likely to be depressed and suicidal, even later in life. Bullying victims are also likely to drop out of school or do poorly in school as a result of all the stress placed on them by the bully. Bullying victims also tend to have low self-esteem that may never improve.

Bullying is a common and serious problem in schools today. Parents and teacher should closely monitor children for signs of bullying and stop any incidents before both the bully and victim suffer long-term consequences. The serious nature of bullying is often overlooked by good natured parents and teachers who think it is something that will be outgrown, and while that is sometimes the case, bullying should not be taken lightly.

Remember bullying is both physical and mental...
Lets also not forget cyber bullying has become just as popular.

How to Prevent Bullying

Many children are victims of bullying. Most of these children don't know how to stop of prevent bullying which is why we as adults must step in to ensure that bullying does not occur. There are many different reasons why kids bully others, and bullying cases can very in severity. No matter how severe bullying is, it is never acceptable and should be handled quickly. If you think your child is at a risk for being bullied, there are things you can do to prevent bullying. It is easier to prevent bullying than to stop it once it has started so keep the following tips in mind for your child to prevent bullying before it starts.

Bullying often happens in unsupervised areas so to prevent bullying tell your kids to avoid being alone in hallways, at recess, and in other areas of the school. Encourage your child to meet and associate with quality friends as bullies are more likely to target children that are alone. Another way to prevent bullying is to advise your child to walk away from situation with bullies. Many times ignoring bullying attempts is the best way to prevent bullying as most bullies are trying to get a reaction out of the children they pick on.

Bullies like to pick on children who are not confident or assertive. Teaching kids to act confidently is a good way to prevent bullying. Children who appear confident and can assert themselves when confronted by a bully are less likely to be picked on. Even if a bully targets your child once, a calm and confident reaction will decrease the chances that your child will be targeted again. Children should not cry or get upset if they are bullied, instead the best way to prevent bullying is for them to use an assertive voice and tell the bully to stop. Bullies like to get a rise out of the kids they pick on so children that are clam and assertive will be less likely to be bullied again.

Because bullies like to pick on children who are not confident, a good way to prevent bullying is to get your child involved in activities that boost their confidence. Children who have other areas of their life to feel confident in will carry over that attitude into situations where they can be bullied. Any enjoyable activity that your child excels at will help to make them more confident and in turn that confidence will help prevent bullying. If your child has confidence and self esteem, it will be easier for them to ignore a bully and not let the bully's actions bother them.

If your child learns how to respond to a bully and develops a good self image, it will be easy for them to prevent bullying. Make sure your child knows that the bullying is not their fault if they are targeted and that it is not acceptable. Many children are hesitant to turn to adults for help, but telling an adult right away is the best way to prevent bullying in the future.

No matter who you are:
1.) Speak up your not alone
2.) If you see it happening step in - don't assume it's going to be ok!
3.) If your a bully - STOP! - The person your harassing is a living person and probably needs help or even a good friend.
4.) Parents it's a bigger deal then you can imagine!
You may not know it but a person being bullied is screaming HELP ME!

So many lives have been lost to bullying. Not to mention all the bullies that live today with re-great for their actions, actions that can't be taken back. Real Men and real Women help each other, Cowards hurt people!

For me personally, it's the difference between tragedy and wonderful day's like the one below.

How can you prevent Bullying in today's world?
My kids where worth it, is yours?

From left to right:
My son Ben, his wife Elizabeth, my daughters Alora, and Jennifer.
Yes, as a kid I was bullied too and if it was not for friend who knows if I would be around myself today.
Thanks Gilbert :)
Speak up and make a difference. and help others in need.

If your a victim of bullying and can't seem to get away
or call
1-800-RUNAWAY to talk with someone now.
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-TALK (8255)
Again get help your not alone in this.

Roy Turner
Today I work in a amazing field - Work With Me
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PS: Get Social and Join me on these: - Pinterest - Google+ - Personal profile - Fan Page Like Me! - FB Group Join in
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P.S.S. We make sure you succeed:
Prosperity team's weekly hangout is here:
Weekly Team Hangout Webinar Live:
Every Wednesday at 8:00 pm eastern
If you miss it it's recorded till the next LIVE Hangout,
Watch it now at the below link
-----> WATCH HANGOUT NOW <-----

P.S.S.S. We did not forget you ladies out there.
yes we have one just for you ladies.
-----> Ladies Weekly Hangout <-----
Sunday night at 8 pm eastern


How can you prevent Bullying in today's world?

Friday, August 16, 2013

What are they teaching our kids?

Pyramid Scheme v.s. Network Marketing

What are they teaching our kids?

Start by watching this short video about a conversation between two people about Pyramids and Network Marketing. Very comical near the end I have to say. See if you find your self anywhere in the conversation.

Pretty funny and informative video right? Now time for some FACTS... If you have not read this book "Rich Dad, Poor Dad" I highly recommend it. What I speak from is facts not opinion like you see in a lot of places. FACT - "Rich Dad, Poor Dad" New York times best seller. WHY?

Pyramid Scheme v.s. Network Marketing

It's all about education and what your taught growing up. Think about it..... If you grew up poor like I did, moving from house to house, old junkie cars, one or more members of your family are strung out on drugs, going to school in old torn up or out dated cloths, and my favorite..... "Mom, Dad my friends are going out to the movies can I go? Sorry son/daughter we don't have the money." "Mom, Dad I was invited to go skating can I have some money for food while I am there? Sorry son/daughter we don't have the money." "Mom, Dad can I have friends stay the night? Sorry son/daughter we don't have the money." This is my personal story of what I heard all the time growing up. I don't have to tell you about the embarrassment and humiliation when you face your friends right? Lets face it kids are mean and the poor ones always gets made fun of. I surly did a LOT! Now, clearly my parents where poor and I grew up poor. So, what advice did they have for me? Same advice that every poor parents tell there kids "son/daughter you have to go to college and get a good job if your going to make it", sound familiar?

"It's not your parents fault, it's lack
of education everywhere"

So how do you break the bond? Maybe you have heard "it takes money to make money, so unless you have money, don't bother". If I had a dollar for every time I heard that, I would have been rich by 18 lol (I am 43 now). Bad education was the problem here again. Again not there fault, just a lack of education.
Notice the pattern so far...."Not there fault, just a lack of education".
So, then you go to college as I did (I will leave out the college name , so I don't receive hate mail lol). Now I am the kind of person that will ask questions if I don't understand. (hey, I am paying for an education so I should get answers and understand everything right?). Just to have the professor say, "Read the book and figure it out"!....
 I am paying thousands of dollars for this professor to tell me:
"Read the book and figure it out?"

I was blown away not to mention after getting very heated argument with the professor. I was told, "I was lazy and he was not here to baby sit me." Again, I was freaking out on this guy. What kind of professor who's job is to teach, could care less about teaching?

I was then told by students later that a lot of professors are like that and that's just how college is. I am sure if you have been to college you heard the same thing right? Again, "Not there fault, just a lack of education."
I knew there had to be a better way and that I just did not know it. I knew there is an answer out there because there are so many rich people who never went to college or college did them no good. What was the secret? What did the wealthy know that I did not?

The short answer... They had an education that was not being taught in any school or college.

Don't believe me? 

Ted Turner - attended Brown University, but did not graduate.
Ralph Lauren - went to Baruch College for two years but dropped out to join the army.
Mark Zuckerberg - He launched the social network in his dorm room at Harvard University with his college roommates, but dropped out after sophomore year in June 2004 to pursue his business venture.
Michael Dell - He started making his own computers in college when the personal computer was still in its infancy stage. (clearly did not stay)
Sheldon Adelson - attend college at City College of New York. He dropped out after less than two years, and like Ralph Lauren, joined the Army
Larry Ellison - He attended University of Illinois and was named Science Student of the Year, but dropped out after his second year after his adoptive mother died. He enrolled at the University of Chicago the following fall, but then dropped out again.
Bill Gates - Gates enrolled in Harvard University but dropped out after two years when he and Allen eventually began developing software for Micro Instrumentation and Telemetry System.
Steve Jobs - attended Reed College in Portland, Oregon, but dropped out after six months.
--If you want to read more about these 8 Billionaires click here--

And that's just a few of the Billionaires. What about all the millionaires? same thing (now I am not going to list everyone so if you need more your going to need to research yourself it's not hard)
Oh wait, there are a couple more Billionaires I want to talk about.

Pyramid Scheme v.s. Network Marketing

Yep, Robert Kiyosaki and Donald Trump. Two very successful Men and what do they have to do with my story?
"If your going to get advice get it from
successful people, not poor people."

We have already discussed the pitfalls of why advice from poor people is bad. So the next time you have someone give you a hard time for doing something different say this "Are you rich?" If the answer is no, say "Thank you for your thought's, but why would I listen to a poor person who has no idea how to get rich."
It may sound harsh, but you have to understand poor people hate seeing other people succeed (unless it's them of course). Have you ever heard the saying "misery loves company"? No offense , but your friends and family will go nuts to see you succeed. Much less at something they don't understand. That kind of thing will stop 99% of people from being successful from the start.

Ignore it, put your blinders on, do whatever it takes to block out that negative stuff because your doing something most don't understand. Like most of the world if the don't understand it, what do they want to do? Squash it right?

Don't believe me again? ok...
Albert Einstein I think you may know of...
Did you know he was thought to be a moron and a failure in his time, until one invention turned every ones head, "Einstein's General Theory of Relativity". We know today that is one of the most brilliant people to ever live. Again, at the start "Not there fault, just a lack of education". And it holds true today. No one believes you until you get the world aboard or at least some well known people to agree with you. Until then, your crazy or a moron, sound familiar yet?

Lucky for us Network Marketers we have to very well known people and they just happen to be successful. Again Robert Kiyosaki and Donald Trump. Both know for there money and not so known for there NETWORK MARKETING! Even though they publish books and countless articles about it. The world still see's Network Marketing as a scam or Pyramid scheme. So, why isn't more people doing it? You guessed it, 99% of people listen to people instead of those who are successful.

Pyramid Scheme v.s. Network Marketing

Again I deal with facts.
With that said, how do you get into this education of network marketing that's not tough in most places?
Now the question is are you willing to be the 1% and take action? Not listening to the other 99% of people without this education? Is it different? yes. Will people say your crazy? yes. Will they say your going to get ripped off? yes. Are they going to be pissed when you quit your job? Of course they wont understand. Why? "Not there fault, just a lack of education".

But you are not so it's a matter of.....
Do you want to be apart of the rich network marketing or stuck with a poor mans job?
You now have the education and the way. Join me today and take action click the link get started today.

Pyramid Scheme v.s. Network Marketing

Education in network marketing is now in your reach. Join Here

Thank you for reading. Please like and share this article so everyone can get educated.
Roy Turner
Pyramid Scheme v.s. Network Marketing

P.S. We even have weekly hangouts free to teach
everyone about the importance of network marketing,
It's recorded until the next live hangout.
Live every Wednesday 8pm eastern time.
In this Network we refuse to leave anyone behind!

P.S.S.  Check out my other blogs about Network Marketing.

P.S.S.S  Get social - Add me to your favorite social media.

Twitter - @whatflop

Income disclaimer - Yes, I know here it comes. Well we don't know if your going to listen to the un educated or even work at all. So, here it is Click the link to view

Pyramid Scheme v.s. Network Marketing now that your educated, post your comments, and let me know your questions issues/concerns.

Internet Marketing - New Customers

Internet Marketing - New Customers

Bring In Some New Customers With These Internet Marketing Tips

You've done it - you've created a website or blog, so now it's time to work on the Internet marketing aspect. You probably have questions on how to start and what to do, but don't worry, these tips can help you. Listed below are some handy tips that will help you get started with using your site to bring some earnings in.

Always speak, or write, in positive terms. You want your advertisements to let people know that good things will happen to them as a result of using your product. This will help them to feel positive about purchasing from you, and they will be more motivated to use your product to achieve their goals.

One way to improve your internet marketing is to consider giving away something for free. That's right, as strange as it may sound, giving away freebies is one of the best ways to attract customers and make money in the long run. Many companies that are worth billions, Facebook for example, are built on the idea of free web space and free tools.

Remind your readers that they can bookmark your website. If a customer is interested in returning, they will not have to search for you again if they bookmarked your page. It may seem obvious, but sometimes the idea will slip someone's mind. Jog their memory for them with a quick and subtle reminder.

In important tip regarding Internet marketing is to spread yourself around as much as possible, while still retaining a sense of legitimacy. This is important because the more information about your company that there is, the more potential business you will have available. Be sure to not overdue it, as you can easily lose your credibility.

Your website or blog should be a wealth of bargains, and your advertising should reflect this. Make sure you employ multiple approaches to providing discounts so you can attract a variety of customers. Furthermore, promotions that encourage people to order quickly can make sure you snag the sale when your product is fresh in their mind. Which should always be YOUR affiliates/links. Example on this blog you wont see any other affiliates or links but mine. Keep your traffic on your page or send them to your affiliate links. You worked hard to get the traffic use it!

Like one of my favorite affiliates:

Although it may seem odd, linking to resources other than your sales site in your article can actually increase conversions. If you choose your resources well, the additional information can fill in holes that you couldn't cover due to space constraints or due to assumed knowledge. Adding neutral resources also builds trust and makes you seem less like a money-hungry shark.

If you are constantly being active on the internet, you can make your website more visible. There are blogs, newsletters, articles and forums available for you to get your website out into the world wide web. The more places you refer back to your site, the more visible you are to your audience. Comment on related subjects and make sure to leave your web address as a great example of what your talking about.

You should set up some type of telephone line where visitors can call you personally if they have any questions about products. While there is nothing wrong with customer service centers, having a personal number makes you see m more reachable to visitors and that will mean more money for you.

Facebook is a free way to enhance your Internet marketing. Since Facebook is so widely used and massively customizable, you can reach out to a much broader audience while maintaining the personality of your business. This also makes it easier for people on the go to find vital information about your business. Make a facebook fan page and/or Group. Here are examples of mine (NEW) - you can like and join as well: - GROUP PAGE - FAN PAGE
Both are different from your normal facebook profile and can be a big advantage.

Why? On you regular facebook profile people want to see you not what your selling. Get to know them first and as they are looking around make sure they can spot you links to group page or fan page. I put mine on the jobs section of my page. Build a relationship then they will see what you have (Proven to work). Post all your ads on your fan page or group page. Promote it!

When creating an email list to market your site online, never send emails without permission. If people receive unsolicited emails from your company, they may ignore them, unsubscribe, or even report your company to their email provider as a spammer. Instead, ask them if they want to receive emails from you, and you will see more interested subscribers. The is commonly referred to as opt-in's.

Emailing - I like to email daily, but if you see to many people unsubscribing from you, I suggest email every 3 days. Also, rotate your content don't send the same copy pasted ads again and again. Fresh and new content is what they will engage in and must be yours.

Now you should be much more prepared when it comes to Internet marketing. The tips that were given has provided you some proven advice that can help you compete with experienced experts. I wish you success!

Thank you for reading - make sure you share and like.
Roy Turner

P.S. If you still need help we have weekly hangouts to help you: - if you miss it it's recorded till the next one airs live!

Internet Marketing - New Customers

What's HOT Alexa Ranking "TOP 10"

The most popular pages on the web right now... according to the Alexa Toolbar.

Hot Topics

Yea, that's right Empower Network #8.

We are apart of a Team first Group called "Prosperity Team.".

We help you with your mind set, tools (that we actually use), and the best Education material in the business industry today. 

"Ranked #8 Hottest say's it all"

Get in get all in and join the forces of "Team Prosperity"

Watch this video and see for yourself:

Roy Turner
aka oakroy

My other blog:

Helping people get educated and living the life you want.

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Is your program struggling? Looking for a PROVEN program that actually works?

Weekly Team Hangout Webinar Live:
Every Wednesday at 8:00 pm

Yes the recording is up the next day!


Empower Network 2 0 - ENV2 Pre Launch

Empower Network 2 0 - ENV2 Pre Launch scheduled for end of the month September 2013. New platform changing the game, the rules, everything you know about Marketing with ANY affiliate. 

Another read and video

Get educated - Helping people beat the odds one at a time.
more info and free video -

Affiliate Income

Income disclaimer please read -

Empower Network 2 0 - ENV2 pre launch information

Another read and video ,

Get educated - Helping people beat the odds one at a time.
more info and free video -

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Affiliate Income

ENv2 ride the wave of riches!

ENv2 ride the wave of riches!

ENv2 the next great thing…ENv2 is being brought to the marketplace by Empower Network within the next 60 Days. They have positioned themselves in front of a massive wave of growth from social media sites like Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube. Their growth has already been unprecedented in network marketing history, but ENv2 will change the game as we know it today. If you want to be a part of something big, something new, something that will change the landscape of Internet Marketing as we know it today, ENv2 ride the wave of riches!
Social media has become the biggest movement in the network marketing industry over the past 5 years. Blogging will never be the same, video marketing will never be the same, and network marketing will never be the same. Were you able to take advantage of Apple when they first launched, Google, or Microsoft? Well, it’s your chance to ENv2 ride the wave of riches! Understanding the power of social media and the power of ENv2 will be life changing if you position yourself now in ENv2.
If you are even considering joining Empower Network… just imagine how the new ENv2 can change your life, and what breakthroughs you will have in your business. There are 3 separate platforms in 1 product with ENv2… and get this… all for the same low price as today, just $25 to get in. Why should you join now? In Denver this past weekend at the Empower Network event, and I actually quoted co-founder David Wood,
“The people who ride this wave will be the richest people in network marketing.” David Wood
History is in the making, and you have to ask yourself the question… Do I want to be part of history?
Leaders from all the top Internet Marketing companies are joining the ENv2 movement… positioning themselves perfectly before the wave hits. When your able to get involved with a network marketing business online that positions itself in front of all other Internet Marketing companies, and is recognized as the leader in the industry… You begin to position yourself as a leader among many. People start to follow you, and ask you questions because you had the vision to ENv2 ride the wave of riches!
When your able to complement your business, by having everything you need in one place… You begin to tap into your subconscious mind and realize that you can accomplish much more than you had originally thought you could. ENv2 will provide that clear vision for you. It’s hard to lead the blind when your walking blind… Create your clear vision with ENv2.
Empower Network Version 2
ENV2 contains three separate, distinct, revolutionary products:
(1) Simple 2-Click Blogging Platform – Using the ENv2 blogging platform is so easy even your grandma could use it!
(2) Mobile Audio/Visual Broadcasting App – ENv2 will be available on iOS and Android systems for mobile devices. Build a business straight from your phone.
(3) Sales Conversion Engine – ENv2 truly allows you to put your business on auto-pilot and let the system do the heavy lifting and you can refresh the screen to see all the 100% commissions coming in.
The nice thing is you Don’t Have To Wait To Get Started… and you really shouldn’t because this is not just another PRE-LAUNCH sales pitch… it’s as genuine as vine wine. Miss it… and you’ll be kicking yourself… ENv2 ride the wave of riches! Why? There’s already a lot of buzz about ENv2 on the Internet. Currently, an average of about 500 people are joining Empower Network daily. This number will double, even triple leading to the launch, and will absolutely skyrocket when ENv2 launches within the next 90 days.

Position Yourself Now In ENv2

…If the number of people joining ENv2 doubles or even triples, what do you think will happen to your 100% Commissions? They will start to double and triple!!! So, my suggestion is toposition yourself now in ENv2.

If you enjoyed this post, please Tweet it! Google+ it! or Facebook it!

We are looking for people who want to make a change in their lives working from home. We will give you the education and the tools needed to help you build a business from home.
You don’t have to be a perfect writer to start blogging with our blogging platform, and it’s not necessary that you have a complete understanding of the Internet. You just have to want it bad enough, and be willing to take massive action. It’s a great opportunity for stay at home moms, or someone who is unemployed, or just someone looking to make part time cash.
So if that’s you, I would like to invite you to watch an overview of our entire marketing system, where you can learn more about how I am able to write articles just like this one, and the viral blogging system that I use helps them rank incredibly high in Google.
All the training is in place, so even if you are brand new, I encourage you to at least watch the video and see if it’s for you or not. You can simply click the link below if you are interested in making extra income working from home.

Env2 or Empower Network 2.0 is in PRELAUNCH

Roy Turner
100_0487aka oakroy
P.S. Don’t forget the basics
1.) Get educated – look us up , watch our videos, read books,
do research for yourself. Turn off the TV and get educated!
2.) Easy step by step system click here
3.) No cold calling ever – unless your into that (we aren’t)
4.) World wide – yes any language, any currency, this works
world wide.
5.) Get in and make it happen – Yes, you have to actually work.

And yes I’m going to show you this, I have nothing to hide :)
Income disclaimer - click here to read –>

ENv2 ride the wave of riches!

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Pyramid Scheme v.s. Network Marketing

Pyramid Scheme v.s. Network Marketing

Myths and what is real.

Start by watching this short video about a conversation between two people about Pyramids and Network Marketing. Very comical near the end I have to say. See if you find your self anywhere in the conversation.

Pretty funny and informative video right? Now time for some FACTS... If you have not read this book "Rich Dad, Poor Dad" I highly recommend it. What I speak from is facts not opinion like you see in a lot of places. FACT - "Rich Dad, Poor Dad" New York times best seller. WHY?

Pyramid Scheme v.s. Network Marketing

It's all about education and what your taught growing up. Think about it..... If you grew up poor like I did, moving from house to house, old junkie cars, one or more members of your family are strung out on drugs, going to school in old torn up or out dated cloths, and my favorite..... "Mom, Dad my friends are going out to the movies can I go? Sorry son/daughter we don't have the money." "Mom, Dad I was invited to go skating can I have some money for food while I am there? Sorry son/daughter we don't have the money." "Mom, Dad can I have friends stay the night? Sorry son/daughter we don't have the money." This is my personal story of what I heard all the time growing up. I don't have to tell you about the embarrassment and humiliation when you face your friends right? Lets face it kids are mean and the poor ones always gets made fun of. I surly did a LOT! Now, clearly my parents where poor and I grew up poor. So, what advice did they have for me? Same advice that every poor parents tell there kids "son/daughter you have to go to college and get a good job if your going to make it", sound familiar?

"It's not your parents fault, it's lack
of education everywhere"

So how do you break the bond? Maybe you have heard "it takes money to make money, so unless you have money, don't bother". If I had a dollar for every time I heard that, I would have been rich by 18 lol (I am 43 now). Bad education was the problem here again. Again not there fault, just a lack of education.
Notice the pattern so far...."Not there fault, just a lack of education".
So, then you go to college as I did (I will leave out the college name , so I don't receive hate mail lol). Now I am the kind of person that will ask questions if I don't understand. (hey, I am paying for an education so I should get answers and understand everything right?). Just to have the professor say, "Read the book and figure it out"!....
 I am paying thousands of dollars for this professor to tell me:
"Read the book and figure it out?"

I was blown away not to mention after getting very heated argument with the professor. I was told, "I was lazy and he was not here to baby sit me." Again, I was freaking out on this guy. What kind of professor who's job is to teach, could care less about teaching?

I was then told by students later that a lot of professors are like that and that's just how college is. I am sure if you have been to college you heard the same thing right? Again, "Not there fault, just a lack of education."
I knew there had to be a better way and that I just did not know it. I knew there is an answer out there because there are so many rich people who never went to college or college did them no good. What was the secret? What did the wealthy know that I did not?

The short answer... They had an education that was not being taught in any school or college.

Don't believe me? 

Ted Turner - attended Brown University, but did not graduate.
Ralph Lauren - went to Baruch College for two years but dropped out to join the army.
Mark Zuckerberg - He launched the social network in his dorm room at Harvard University with his college roommates, but dropped out after sophomore year in June 2004 to pursue his business venture.
Michael Dell - He started making his own computers in college when the personal computer was still in its infancy stage. (clearly did not stay)
Sheldon Adelson - attend college at City College of New York. He dropped out after less than two years, and like Ralph Lauren, joined the Army
Larry Ellison - He attended University of Illinois and was named Science Student of the Year, but dropped out after his second year after his adoptive mother died. He enrolled at the University of Chicago the following fall, but then dropped out again.
Bill Gates - Gates enrolled in Harvard University but dropped out after two years when he and Allen eventually began developing software for Micro Instrumentation and Telemetry System.
Steve Jobs - attended Reed College in Portland, Oregon, but dropped out after six months.
--If you want to read more about these 8 Billionaires click here--

And that's just a few of the Billionaires. What about all the millionaires? same thing (now I am not going to list everyone so if you need more your going to need to research yourself it's not hard)
Oh wait, there are a couple more Billionaires I want to talk about.

Pyramid Scheme v.s. Network Marketing

Yep, Robert Kiyosaki and Donald Trump. Two very successful Men and what do they have to do with my story?
"If your going to get advice get it from
successful people, not poor people."

We have already discussed the pitfalls of why advice from poor people is bad. So the next time you have someone give you a hard time for doing something different say this "Are you rich?" If the answer is no, say "Thank you for your thought's, but why would I listen to a poor person who has no idea how to get rich."
It may sound harsh, but you have to understand poor people hate seeing other people succeed (unless it's them of course). Have you ever heard the saying "misery loves company"? No offense , but your friends and family will go nuts to see you succeed. Much less at something they don't understand. That kind of thing will stop 99% of people from being successful from the start.

Ignore it, put your blinders on, do whatever it takes to block out that negative stuff because your doing something most don't understand. Like most of the world if the don't understand it, what do they want to do? Squash it right?

Don't believe me again? ok...
Albert Einstein I think you may know of...
Did you know he was thought to be a moron and a failure in his time, until one invention turned every ones head, "Einstein's General Theory of Relativity". We know today that is one of the most brilliant people to ever live. Again, at the start "Not there fault, just a lack of education". And it holds true today. No one believes you until you get the world aboard or at least some well known people to agree with you. Until then, your crazy or a moron, sound familiar yet?

Lucky for us Network Marketers we have to very well known people and they just happen to be successful. Again Robert Kiyosaki and Donald Trump. Both know for there money and not so known for there NETWORK MARKETING! Even though they publish books and countless articles about it. The world still see's Network Marketing as a scam or Pyramid scheme. So, why isn't more people doing it? You guessed it, 99% of people listen to people instead of those who are successful.

Pyramid Scheme v.s. Network Marketing

Again I deal with facts.
With that said, how do you get into this education of network marketing that's not tough in most places?
Now the question is are you willing to be the 1% and take action? Not listening to the other 99% of people without this education? Is it different? yes. Will people say your crazy? yes. Will they say your going to get ripped off? yes. Are they going to be pissed when you quit your job? Of course they wont understand. Why? "Not there fault, just a lack of education".

But you are not so it's a matter of.....
Do you want to be apart of the rich network marketing or stuck with a poor mans job?
You now have the education and the way. Join me today and take action click the link get started today.

Pyramid Scheme v.s. Network Marketing

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Thank you for reading. Please like and share this article so everyone can get educated.
Roy Turner
Pyramid Scheme v.s. Network Marketing

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P.S.S.  Check out my other blogs about Network Marketing.

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Income disclaimer - Yes, I know here it comes. Well we don't know if your going to listen to the un educated or even work at all. So, here it is Click the link to view

Pyramid Scheme v.s. Network Marketing now that your educated, post your comments, and let me know your questions issues/concerns.